Helen Fogarty

Latest News from NAPCAN

Children’s Week in the NT

Children’s Week shines a light on high levels of child poverty Children’s Week is currently being celebrated across Australia and the Northern Territory, to shine a light on the rights of every child in every community to grow up with the opportunity to thrive.  More than 30 years ago, Australia


Webinar: Poverty & Keeping Children Safe

The recording of this webinar is now available on NAPCAN’s video resources page. For links to information mentioned in the webinar, download the Resource Sheet.  WEBINAR: POVERTY & KEEPING CHILDREN SAFE When: Thursday 20th October 3pm AEDT time (Sydney), 2pm AEST (Brisbane)  NAPCAN in conversation with Professor Brigid Featherstone, UK


NAPCAN CEO steps down from child protection charity

NAPCAN CEO steps down from child protection charity A Message from Teresa Scott, President of the NAPCAN Board After 12 years as CEO of the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN), Richard Cooke is stepping away from his role on the charity. The NAPCAN Board want


Children’s Activity Booklet – available for download!

NAPCAN is excited to launch the Children’s Activity Booklet for National Child Protection Week 2022, now available for download. The booklet includes a wide range of activities to engage children, families and child-focused organisations in National Child Protection Week The aim of this booklet is to: – Start conversations about


Webinar Series Launched for National Child Protection Week

This year’s National Child Protection Week webinar series has been carefully designed to support conversations about how we make sure every child grows up safe and supported. In doing this, we have included a range of discussions highlighting some of the ‘big picture’ issues around child protection. These discussions will


Homelessness Week: Children need stable housing

This blog has been prepared by the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) for National Homelessness Week (1-7 August). Also watch our short 30-second clip about what children say about homelessness.    For children, housing is about even more than a home To treat all of


ORDER NOW! National Child Protection Week posters…

National Child Protection Week (4-10 September) is fast approaching so we’re busy finalising resources and activities to support all Australians to get involved with building safe and supportive communities for children. To have free printed posters sent to you, please place your orders by Friday 1 July. For more information


Neighbourhood Centres are Safe Harbours for Families

Neighbourhood Centre Week, happening across Australia from 9 to 15 May 2022, is a nationwide initiative to celebrate the role of over 1,000 Neighbourhood and Community Houses and Centres. This year’s theme is ‘Building resilience by bringing people together’. In Queensland alone, there are 143 neighbourhood centres supporting more than