NAPCAN offers training and programs Australia wide which focus on offering best practice in prevention of child abuse.
Book training online and see what's coming up with the NAPCAN training calendar and booking system.
NAPCAN works in partnership with the Queensland Governement to provide training to the regulated early childhood services.
An Australian first, this ground breaking initiative equips adults with the knowledge and confidence to support young people in safe and engaging group work.
Love Bites and Love Bites Junior are extremely successful Respectful Relationships Education Programs for young people aged 11-17 years.
In light of the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, it is critical to embed a child safe culture into every single organisation.
Children are safest when all the adults around them understand how to play a part in preventing abuse.
Improving children’s outcomes means supporting parents. We know how much parenting matters. We’re becoming more aware that how we think about and talk about parenting matters too.
NAPCAN works in partnership with communities to develop Safety Action Plans for Children and Young People.
Inclusive, culturally safe, whole-of-community protective behaviours approach.
Northern Territory designed, flexible and child-friendly kit that aims to help families give their children the skills and confidence to feel, and be, safe at home.