Helen Fogarty

Latest News from NAPCAN

Exciting Webinar Series Launched!

NAPCAN is excited to launch the official Putting Children First webinar series for National Child Protection Week (6-12 September 2020). The program features more than 30 inspiring speakers (local, national and international) across 5 days, with the aim of generating important life-changing conversations about how to boost the wellbeing of


Add your logo to the National Child Protection Week campaign

Adding your logo to the National Child Protection Week campaign is quick and easy via our Get Involved page. Simply submit your logo and a few words about how you will support this year’s theme of Putting Children First – it’s that easy! You’ll also find posters, children’s activities, links


Where do we go from here? A child rights-based response to COVID-19

‘Where do we go from here?’ is a question many are asking in response to COVID-19. Written on behalf of the International Society for Social Pediatrics & Child Health (ISSOP) COVID-19 Working Group (including NAPCAN Board Member, Dr Shanti Raman) this paper calls for a child rights-based response. “We need


5-minute COVID-19 resource survey 

We are currently living in a time of extreme change.   At times like this, information can be a valuable support for families and children. But too much – or poorly explained – information can add to confusion and a sense of being overwhelmed. As the National Association for Prevention of


Children’s Art Competition – Closing date extended to 17 May

Due to the interruptions of COVID-19, NAPCAN has extended the annual children’s art competition by one month, with the deadline now set for 17 May 2020.  National Child Protection Week starts on the first Sunday of September (6-12 September 2020) and the artworks created by children and young people (up


Celebrate Children’s Week (19 – 27 October 2019)

‘Children’s health starts with healthy communities’ is the message of this year’s Children’s Week, based on the theme that:  ‘You have the right to the best health care possible, safe water to drink, nutritious food, a clean and safe environment, and information to help you stay well’. (Article 24 of