National Reconciliation Week
This National Reconciliation Week (27 May – 3 June), NAPCAN is pleased to launch our Statement of Commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and Communities.
This National Reconciliation Week (27 May – 3 June), NAPCAN is pleased to launch our Statement of Commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and Communities.
May is Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) Prevention Month and NAPCAN is supporting the campaign with new brochures that highlight the impact of DFV on children.
Check out our National Families Week tip sheet for ideas about the little things you can do every day to help build stronger families.
LOVES BITES is NAPCAN’s respectful relationships program for teens, covering healthy relationships, consent, and sexual violence.
NAPCAN is thrilled to be part of Neighbour Day (25 March 2018), especially with this year’s focus on ‘the importance of supportive neighbourhoods for children and young people’.
Nominate for the 2018 Play Your Part Awards and encourage children to enter our art competition!
In light of the release of the final report by the Royal Commission into Institutional Sexual Abuse, NAPCAN challenges all Australians to be part of a movement to value, respect and believe children.
Through our survey we found out that 87% of you think the National Child Protection Week campaign is valuable to your community.
NAPCAN is excited to share the work of our esteemed board member Shanti Raman who has just helped launch the collaborative report: Violence against children of the world.
NAPCAN’s new PLAY YOUR PART Commitment Statement is designed to be printed out, signed, and displayed to send a clear message about how we treat and interact with children.