FREE Queensland workshops to prevent child abuse and neglect
In partnership with the Queensland Government, NAPCAN will be running a series of FREE workshops throughout Queensland during 2017.
In partnership with the Queensland Government, NAPCAN will be running a series of FREE workshops throughout Queensland during 2017.
Pictured: New Love Bites facilitators at the Coburg training with Anj Barker, respectful relationships advocate.
Children’s Week was celebrated across the country last week with NAPCAN holding events in both Queensland and across the Northern Territory. Read more here…
A list of Children’s Week events across the Northern Territory.
The death of 12-year-old schoolgirl, Tiahleigh Palmer, is a senseless tragedy that has touched almost every Queenslander and rightfully raised feelings of anger, blame, sadness and helplessness. But NAPCAN urges Queenslanders to move away from blame and aggressive finger-pointing and to ask ourselves ‘what can I do to play my part in protecting children?’.
Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove today launched National Child Protection Week and announced the winners of this year’s Play Your Part Awards, shining a light on some of the best work being done to combat child abuse and neglect.
As part of NCPW 2016, NAPCAN and AIFS are pleased to launch the document Stronger communities, safer children: Findings from recent Australian research on the importance of community in keeping children safe.
NAPCAN is launching the Children’s Voices Project as part of NCPW 2016 as a way of encouraging local communities to engage young people in conversations and decision-making to build stronger communities.
The Tasmanian, Northern Territory, Queensland and NSW National Child Protection Week launch events are now available to register!
The National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect warns that the Royal Commission into Youth Detention in the Northern Territory must this time be followed by some real action if it is to have any value.
In particular, they want to see prevention-focused outcomes identified in previous reports and inquiries into the Child Protection and Juvenile Justice Systems in the Northern Territory implemented as a matter of urgency.
NAPCAN President Teresa Scott says those recommendations, fully implemented, would go a long way to preventing children and young people having to come into contact with the Child Protection and Juvenile Justice Systems in the first place.