A 2015 NAPCAN NSW Play Your Part Award recipient, the Immigrant Women’s Health Service (IWHS), is looking for participants to take part in a short film – an educational resource about forced marriage.
The topic is close to the heart of the Service’s CEO, as she was forced to be a child bride as a 14-year-old living in Egypt. Today she devotes herself to raising awareness about this issue in Australia.
The short film is aimed for young people aged between 12-18 years about forced marriage and child brides. The IWHS are looking for people to take part preferably from a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background to participate in focus groups in the first two weeks of October, translators will be available.
The service are looking for participants who meet the following criteria:
· Mothers who have daughters between the ages of 12-18
· Daughters between the ages of 12-18
The goal is to ensure that the issues raised in the film reflect real life issues of women and girls who may be at risk of becoming child brides in a forced marriage. If you, or someone you know is interested, please email: ceo@immigrantwomenshealth.org.au or sign up at: http://www.immigrantwomenshealth.org.au/get-involved.html.
Pictured is the Immigrant Women’s Health Service CEO