- Children thrive when their families get the support they need.
- To treat all of Australia’s children fairly, we need to make sure every family and community has what kids need to thrive and be healthy.
- Parenting can be like navigating waters. Everyone may experience bad weather from time to time but, with lighthouses and safe harbours, we can continue our journey.
- We can all help to be part of the lighthouses and safe harbours that families need.
- Recognise that not every family and community in Australia has what children need to thrive and be healthy. This is why we see such big differences in child wellbeing across Australia.
- Support projects and policies that help to provide the strong foundations that every community needs – jobs, safe places, libraries, parks, playgrounds, schools, child care, affordable housing, health services, social activities, clubs, friendly neighbours, businesses and more.
- Smile and say hi to the people in your local neighbourhood. Children feel safer when they know the people in their community.
- If you see a family that is facing challenges, it is important that they get help as soon as possible before the problem gets bigger. You may need to ask advice from an expert about what to do, especially if you suspect that the children are at risk of harm.
- Take a moment to think about children in your school or community who might need extra support and how you might be able to help. Being kind and respectful, being a good role model, and offering practical help such as lifts or meals, are a great start.
- Connecting with your community is good for everyone. Joining playgroups, parenting groups or sports clubs helps families and children to have fun and meet people.
- Check in with your friends from time to time if you know they are busy looking after children. Sometimes a friendly message can be a huge help to a family.
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