Browse Events by State/Territory:


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National Child Protection Week – Fremantle

Cockburn Integrated Health Centre 11 Wentworth Parade, Success

Community activity event, linking with the Cockburn library parent and children reading group where parents have the ability to learn about support services in a fun and friendly environment.

National Chid Protection Week – Pilbara /South Hedland

South Hedland Town Square Throssell Road, South Hedland

Partner agencies and the Department of Communities will hold an information stall which will also include arts/crafts activities and sausage sizzle.

National Chid Protection Week – Goldfields/Esperance

post office square esperance 23 Andrew Street, esperance

Community stall event that invites community members to make a pledge on how they can support families to keep children safe. These pledges would be written on cut out hands and displayed behind the stall. The stall will also have colouring in sheets for children.

National Chid Protection Week – Pilbara /Karratha

The Quatre 24 Sharpe Avenue, Karratha

Partner agencies and Department of Communities will hold an information stall which will also include arts/crafts and sausage sizzle

National Child Protection Week – South West

The Tower 10th Floor, 61 Victoria Street, BUNBURY

An inaugural South West Young People Leaving Care Action Forum. The forum will bring together agency partners who are engaged in providing services to young people leaving care or in after care services.

National Child Protection Week – Goldfields – Kalgoorlie

Saint Barbara Square Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie

Community Stalls and Sausage Sizzle Safety hand stall, bracelet stall with the Aboriginal and TSI bead colours, Foster Care stall with youth police and other services attending.

National Chid Protection Week – Mirrabooka/Balga

Wadjak Northside Community Centre 2 Finchley Crescent, BALGA

The Balga Ave project is a community initiative focusing on meaningful change on one street, Balga Ave. The aim is to challenge service providers in the area to look for new ways of connecting, identifying issues and building on goals made for the community by the community. It is hoped an open conversation, driven by […]

Every Conversation Matters | Community Art Project and Puppet Making Workshop

Albany Town Square 227 York Street, Albany

To promote and participate in a National Child Protection Week community event, named ‘Every Conversation Matter’s’, this will highlight the prevention of child abuse and neglect in our Great Southern region. This event will take place on 5th September 2024 at Albany Town Square from 10:00am - 2:00pm. The theme for National Child Protection Week 2024 […]
