National Child Protection Week events are taking place across the country from a Pop-Up Playgroup in Western Sydney, a CREATE Celebration Day in Victoria (see the flyer image above), a Child Protection Week Colouring in Competition in Port Augusta, an As Eye See It exhibition in Perth and Sydney which showcases the out-of-home care journey of young people through images and captions; to a ‘Taking Action to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse’ seminar in Queensland with speakers from Griffith Criminology Institute, Life Without Barriers and True Relationships and Reproductive Health.
In Western Australia NAPCAN are hosting in partnership with Anglicare WA a State Play Your Part Awards event morning tea on Thursday 10 September at Foyer Oxford, Leederville. Take a few moments out of your day to hear about Anglicare WA’s ongoing commitment to becoming a safer organisation for children. See how to RSVP and the event details here.
Dr Sue Packer AM, NAPCAN Board Vice President will host the Australian Capital Territory Play Your Part Awards morning tea event on Monday 7 September at the Street Theatre in Canberra. The guest speaker will be Chris Stanilewicz from Women, Youth & Child Health Policy Unit, ACT Health. She will discuss:
building organisational capacity to safeguard children: a child safe, child friendly, child aware coordinating framework for ACT Health. See the RSVP and event details.
Register your National Child Protection Week event here.