NAPCAN’s Youth Speak Out (NYSO)
Valuing the voices of children and young people is an essential ingredient in building a fairer and healthier future for all Australians.
Which is why the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) has set up its own youth council to represent the voices and opinions of young people across Australia and influence projects within NAPCAN and beyond.
NAPCAN’s Youth Speak Out (NYSO) is all about representing a diverse range of voices including:
- ages between 14-25
- at least one representative from every state and territory in Australia
- a range of perspectives, identities, cultures and lived experiences.
Since the NYSO was established in September 2022, they’ve already been very busy, including:
- An initial meeting kindly hosted by the National Children’s Commissioner, Anne Hollonds (see image above which includes NYSO members, National Children’s Commissioner and NAPCAN staff)
- Monthly meetings to provide input to programs and projects, as well as opportunities to share skills and knowledge to support the individual endeavours of NYSO members
- Providing comprehensive feedback on NAPCAN’s Love Bites program
- Attending conferences including Stop DV Conference (and subsequently joining the organising committee) and the Common Threads Summit
- Speaking at events including Children’s Week, Anti-Poverty Week and Daniel Morcombe Foundation
- Advocating for respectful relationships education via their own networks and communities
- Launching the Untaught Education Instagram for Youth Week 2023
- Contributing creative works including for the Run Against Violence merchandise and upcoming National Child Protection Week posters
- Meeting with other respectful relationships and consent advocates
- Plus much much more behind the scenes…
“Lasting change can only come about if you’re sourcing from those who need the change the most.” Oliver White, Chair, NAPCAN Youth Advisory Council.
If you’d like to connect with NAPCAN’s Youth Speak Out, please contact the NYSO Chair, Oliver White, on