Get involved with National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day.

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day is held annually to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, their strengths, and their connections to culture, as well as to acknowledge the efforts of all those who work with our children and families.

In 2014, SNAICC, the National peak body for Aboriginal Children is asking for your help to draw attention to issues around the wellbeing and protection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and highlight the crucial role that culture plays in keeping them safe.

Each year SNAICC produces and sends out resources to help organisations, services, schools and communities celebrate this very special day in their own way.  This includes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander specific and mainstream services, organisations and other bodies.

The 2014 Theme

The theme in 2014 is Kids in Culture – Strong, Proud, Resilient.

The theme aims to:

  • Celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, their strengths and their connections to culture, and
  • Draw attention to the wellbeing and protection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and highlight the crucial role that culture plays in keeping children safe.

We all want our children to grow up safe and healthy in a close connection with their family and culture.

However, today Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are ten times more likely to be in out-of-home care than non-Aboriginal children.  In fact, since the 1997 inquiry into the forcible removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families (Stolen Generations), child removal has increased by 400 percent.

That is why SNAICC has decided that this year’s Children’s Day will be all about celebrating the importance of connection to culture plays in a child’s safety, development and wellbeing.  To make the most of their opportunities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children must be able to stand proud and tall in their identity.

For information and to order resources, visit the SNAICC website.

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