[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Get Involved > Tips for staff events and professional development
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]National Child Protection Week starts on Father’s Day on the first Sunday of September, with the aim of engaging all members of the community in supporting families and protecting children.


National Child Protection Week is a great opportunity for staff professional development. 

There are lots of forms that this can take, from formal and structured learning, to more casual conversations. Below are some ideas and resources to get you started.

New research about how we talk about parenting: 

Research from the Frameworks Institute US and Parenting Research Centre (PRC) tells us that the way we talk to parents, and about parenting, can affect outcomes for children.

The user-friendly Toolkit is a great place to start if you want to introduce this information to your staff. Invite staff look at the Navigating Waters: Talking About Parenting Toolkit beforehand. Maybe print out copies of the ‘Avoid & Advance’ Table for all staff.

Conversation starters include:

Child Safe Organisations: 

Use the website – https://childsafe.humanrights.gov.au/ –  to find resources to start a discussion. i.e. watch the video together, download a copy of the National Principles for everyone.

Then as a group discuss the importance of becoming a Child Safe Organisation. Conversation starters include: