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[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1531375240524{margin-top: -20px !important;}”]FRIENDS PLAY THEIR PART TO PROTECT AND CARE FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE IN THEIR COMMUNITY BY SUPPORTING EACH OTHER.
Be a good listener. Sometimes people just want to talk and feel listened to. Don’t judge.
Be interested in your friend’s life and how they are feeling about being a parent.
Offer to give your friend some ‘time out’ from the children.
Bring over a cooked meal or offer to help with some housework.
If you are really worried about your friend, and/or their children encourage them to talk to someone that may be able to help them.
Be a good listener. If a child or young person trusts you to tell you something then listen and don’t judge and believe what they tell you.
Encourage the child/young person to talk to their parents / carers if it is safe.
If you are really worried about a child/ young person encourage them to talk to someone that may be able to help and support them if appropriate. There may be situations where your concern may lead you to contacting child protection authorities and/or the police.
Listen, if your friend is upset or worried they need you to listen. Believe them and don’t judge them.
If you are really worried about your friend’s wellbeing or safety, encourage them to speak to an adult. A parent, teacher, counsellor or another adult you trust are good options. You could offer to go with your friend for extra support.
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Download PDF
Download the Play Your Part factsheet for friends.[/stm_icon_box][stm_spacer height=”30″ height_tablet=”30″ height_mobile=”15″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row shadow_x_offset=”0″ shadow_y_offset=”0″ shadow_blur=”0″ shadow_spread=”0″ shadow_color=”” css=”.vc_custom_1531109853755{padding-top: 35px !important;}”][vc_column][stm_icon_box icon=”stmicon-bon-quote” icon_width=”75″ min_height=”220″ style=”style_14″ title=”STEVE BAXTER” css=”.vc_custom_1531375312407{margin-top: 20px !important;margin-bottom: 20px !important;}”]WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO “PLAY YOUR PART” TO PROTECT AND CARE FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE IN THEIR COMMUNITY:
I am a 16-year-old boy from South Australia. I try to play my part to keep children safe who are involved in our local footy team, and be an active role model for the younger kids on the team. I try to show them what you can achieve when trying your best, and that it’s not always about winning in sports and in life in general. We want to show them it is about fun playing sports and the community feeling you get when playing with your mates.[/stm_icon_box][stm_icon_box icon=”stmicon-bon-quote” icon_width=”75″ min_height=”220″ style=”style_14″ title=”MARGARET” css=”.vc_custom_1531375327684{margin-top: 20px !important;margin-bottom: 20px !important;}”]WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO “PLAY YOUR PART” TO PROTECT AND CARE FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE IN THEIR COMMUNITY:
Since my husband died I have been trying to get involved in the community some more. I have been spending some time at the local primary school, teaching the young kids how to knit. I spend so much time knitting, it is lovely to share it with the students. I knit lots of babies clothes and sell them to raise money for different organisations such as Red Cross.[/stm_icon_box][stm_button button_pos=”left” button_icon_pos=”left” button_icon=”stmicon-portfolio_prev” button_icon_size=”20″ link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.napcan.org.au%2Fget-involved-friends-family%2F|title:Back%20to%20Get%20Involved%20-%20Friends%2FFamily||”][/vc_column][/vc_row]