Videos showcase inspiring NSW Play Your Part Award recipients

Thanks to the generous support of the NSW Advocate for Children and Young People, two videos have been created to showcase this year’s inspiring NSW Play Your Part Award recipients:

National Council of Jewish Women of Australia (NCJWA) – NSW Division for: Mum for Mumview video

Mum for Mum is a weekly home visiting program run in the eastern suburbs of Sydney. The program offers home-based family support by matching trained and supervised volunteers with new mothers and women in the last trimester of pregnancy who are in need of a supportive connection. Many of the recipients are new to Australia and originating from over 50 nationalities. The volunteers, who are mothers themselves, provide non judgmental and confidential support for new mothers, reducing isolation and enabling them to find the resources they need to become resilient, build their confidence and create secure attachment with their babies.



Paediatric Department, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital for: Domestic Violence Routine Screening in Paediatricsview video

The Domestic Violence Routine Screening (DVRS) in Paediatrics project was developed to identify mothers and female carers who are victims of domestic violence and to offer them support and assistance. The Children’s Ward at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital is the first Paediatric ward in Australia to roll out a program of DVRS for the mothers/female carers of the children they care for.

The project involves education of nursing staff, domestic violence screening on the Children’s Ward at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and the development of both social work and legal response pathways for mothers and female carers experiencing domestic violence. The project also aims to raise awareness about the impact of domestic violence, reduce stigma amongst healthcare workers, families and the general public and encourage other health services to consider how they could play a role in reducing the impact of domestic violence on women and children.

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