2025 RAV GRANTS for Love Bites now open



We are thrilled to announce that, thanks to the generous support of Run Against Violence (RAV), applications for the Love Bites Grants are now open!

Run Against Violence’s (RAV) partnership with NAPCAN helps to ensure that every teenager in Australia has the opportunity to learn about what healthy relationships look like for them. 

The RAV Virtual Challenge has raised over half a million dollars over the last 5 years. In 2024 RAV directly funded over $100,000 worth of Love Bites Facilitator training, building the capacity of communities to deliver Love Bites, Australia’s leading RRE program.

This year’s RAV Virtual Challenge has raised $100,000 for the 2025 Grants program.


Aim of the grants

The Love Bites Grants aim to expand our program’s reach, particularly in areas with high needs. With RAV’s support, we can train facilitators where they are needed most and deliver the Love Bites program to more young people. This includes sustaining existing programs and introducing Love Bites to new communities.

We recognise that training costs can be a barrier for some communities, so we encourage applicants to seek funding for attendance at our Love Bites Facilitator workshops.

Quotes from Past Recipients

“This grant has provided ongoing education to vulnerable youth in our area.”

“Having more trained staff means we can target specific at-risk groups.”

“We trained several staff members, allowing us to facilitate the program for our entire Year 10 cohort.”

Assessing grants

Grants will be assessed on the ability to help individuals or communities struggling with funding, or where we believe grants will contribute the most benefit.

Transparency is a key value of the RAV Grants program. While NAPCAN will make recommendations to RAV, the ultimate decision on funding allocation will reside with the RAV Committee Members. Having distance from the final decision will benefit NAPCAN’s relationship with our community partners.


How to apply

To apply, please follow this link.

In order to submit the RAV Grant Application, you are required to setup an account on this Platform. Once you have created an account, you will be diverted to the user dashboard where you can access the link to the RAV Grant 2025 application form. If you already have an account, please click the link above to login.

If you have any questions, please contact: Madelene.McGrath@napcan.org.au


Let’s work together to create better futures for our young people!