The way that we interact with children and young people every day can make a big difference to their lives.  


Consider asking children:

  • how do they feel when they can do these things (on the front of the poster)?
  • why do they think it’s important for children to be able to choose who they spend time with and what they do together?
  • how do they want adults to support them?
  • what else do they need to help them learn and grow?


  • … we respect children’s choices. Under Article 15, this means children being able to choose their own friends, set up and join groups, and come together to have their say.
  • … we trust children’s capabilities and give them space. For young children this might mean organising their own playtime; for older children this might mean setting up a group to discuss issues that are important to them.
  • … we play our part to keep children safe. This includes considering children’s online safety, talking to them about their personal safety and how to respect the rights of others, and learning more about how organisations can keep children safe.


For more resources and tips for how to play your part in keeping children safe:

  • Children’s Week –
  • Online safety –
  • Keeping children safe in organisations – Supporting young people to run their own groups –

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