[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Get Involved > Looking for event ideas?[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The value of events:
There are many different types of National Child Protection Week events and they all help children and families in different ways, including by:
- Promoting the week and its key messages.
- Sharing information so everyone knows how to play their part in protecting children.
- Taking time out to connect, listen to, and value children.
- Learning more about the services and supports that are available.
- Providing social opportunities for families and communities. This builds the informal social supports that are good for children and families.
- Connecting with others to share information and build partnerships.
- Promoting the needs of children and how we can all make a difference in the lives of children.
- Advocating for the supports and services that families need.
Ideas and tips:
- Events can be big or small (anything from a morning tea with neighbours, to a family fun day can be a great National Child Protection Week event).
- Events can be for children, for families, for staff, or for anyone in the community. Protecting children is everyone’s business, and we want everyone to play a part.
- Use our events calendar, social media resources, posters, and newsletter articles to promote your event.
- Consider asking your local media along to your event to do a story.
- Our children’s activities are a great start for engaging children, and can then be used for an art display.
For general information about how to get involved with National Child Protection Week and to download the resources mentioned above, visit our Get Involved page.
If you are interested in professional development on any of these topics, please see NAPCAN’s training calendar for more information about our training and workshops. FREE workshops available in Queensland and the Northern Territory.