Let’s get our words right: how to craft messages that drive child abuse prevention
To prevent child abuse and neglect, we need to get our messaging right.
We need everyone in the community – especially decision-makers – to understand the rates of abuse, the impacts, and what needs to be done.
Naturally, it’s tempting to lead with the shocking statistics. However, evidence shows that this can backfire by triggering feelings of fatalism and overwhelm.
In this webinar we’ll learn how just a few simple changes to our words and their order can make a huge difference, and help to shift thinking:
- From fatalism to agency (‘child abuse is preventable’)
- From ‘them/othering’ to ‘us’ (‘child abuse impacts the whole community’)
- From individualism to collectivism (‘the solutions lie in whole-of-community action’)
Thanks to the Australian Child Maltreatment Study, we have strong evidence.
Let’s find out how we can best use this evidence to build support for prevention.
- Nat Kendall-Taylor, CEO FrameWorks Institute US
- Annette Michaux, Parenting Research Centre & FrameWorks Institute