Michelle Derrig is a mother-to-four, child protection advocate and author of the best selling picture book ‘Only For Me’. In this 1 hour webinar Michelle will help unpack the tricky topic of body safety and provide parents and carers with the information they need to have effective body safety conversations with their children.
Topics covered include:
-The reality of childhood sexual abuse in Australia;
-The importance of speaking about body safety with your child from a very young age;
-The critical information children need to know;
-How to discuss these concepts with your child without frightening them and how have they been incorporated in Only For Me;
-The importance of nurturing a relationship with your children where they feel confident discussing and disclosing;
-Opportunity for Q&A
Only For Me, written by Michelle Derrig and illustrated by Nicole Mackenzie, is endorsed by one of Australia’s leading child protection organisations Act For Kids. 35000 copies of Only For Me have sold across the globe to criticial acclaim and it recently reached #31 on Amazon US’s Best Seller List (out of 33 MILLION titles). As a passionate advocate Michelle has also raised over $15000 for child protection organisations who are involved in treating victims and preventing abuse. For further information about Only For Me and Michelle’s mission go to www.onlyforme.com.au
Registration is essential as spots are limited. Click here to REGISTER NOW