SESSION 1: Signs of Abuse and Neglect in Children (Dr Chris Vedeler – Medical Lead CP Team)
SESSION 2: Cultural Safety and Child Protection (Pettina Slade – DCJ Cultural Hub)
- Why are our indigenous families overrepresented in the child protection system?
- Practical tips for health workers in engaging with our indigenous families
SESSION 3:The Scary Stuff in Child Protection (Helen Bell – CP Team Clinical Nurse Consultant)
- How do I tell the family I’m making a report?
- What if I’m wrong about my suspicions?
- How do I remain professional when involved in child protection cases?
- How do I look after myself?
SESSION 4: Who is JCPRP? (Newcastle JCPRP)
- Where do the referrals come from?
- What is their referral criteria?
- What is the role of each agency?
SESSION 5: Case Study Discussion by Child Protection Team Panel (CP Team)
- Discussion of case involving sentinel injury with CP Paediatrician, CPSW, JCPRP